All-in-one Marketing Software Company Changing the Way Entrepreneurs Do Business Online ClickFunnels is a revolutionary online sales and marketing software, designed for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to market their services and products online. It's a simple-to-use, all-in-one marketing solution that enables you to set up online sales funnels, websites, shopping carts, memberships, email follow-up sequences, and more — all without needing to know code, design, or hire an expensive marketing team. ClickFunnels is built to be used by entrepreneurs at any level, whether a brand-new business, established company, a side-hustling stay-at-home Mom, or even a hot dog vendor. Unprecedented Success — Without Venture Capitalist Backing Prior to ClickFunnels, the average business owner had never even heard of sales funnels — let alone SaaS marketing tools — but co-founder and CEO Russell Brunson’s obsession with...

Ignited: Sparking Innovation in STEM Education, Preparing the Next Generation of Innovators Nonprofit Offers Teachers Fellowships at Top Companies and Universities to Equip Students for Jobs of Tomorrow As technology accelerates the pace of innovation, the way our education system prepares students for success must also fundamentally change. Experts estimate that 85 percent of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not yet been invented, which means how children learn is paramount to what they learn. Today’s students need skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration to tackle the unknown challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Yet critics say our schools are currently preparing students for jobs that no longer exist. That’s why Ignited ( is connecting teachers with top companies and universities to transform STEM learning. Through its Summer Fellowship Program, the...

#message4peace, Walk Against War The Syrian war has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and heightened the risk of terrorism around the world; Katherine Davies is walking 600 miles from London to Geneva to help engage the public voice to pressure for peace in Syria For five years an appalling tragedy has unfolded in Syria while the world stood by, powerless. More than 250,000 people have been killed, a nation is in ruins and millions of adults and children are displaced in the largest refugee crisis since World War II. We’ve all been there. We hear about war, refugees, terror and suffering. We want to help, but don’t know where to begin. Reading the dispiriting headlines in a London café, Katherine Davies got angry. Then she decided to act. Davies, founder...

Build Your Resilience, Be Change Proof Bestselling author, keynote speaker, workplace expert and resilience researcher Adam Markel inspires leaders to tap the power of resilience to become Change Proof — for themselves and their organizations. How do we cope and thrive in the unprecedented new world we now find ourselves in? The answer, says bestselling author, researcher, workplace expert and international keynote speaker Adam Markel, is to build the resilience we need to power us through the challenges we face so that we become “Change Proof.” “Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience,” is the title of Adam’s new book (McGraw-Hill, 2022). In ongoing research for “Change Proof,” Adam has surveyed more than 3000 business leaders and executives on resilience and burnout in a proprietary tool he developed, the Resilient...

How Does Food Affect Your Mood? Amy Fox, Certified Nutritionist, and Founder, Food and Mood Lab, explains how food choices affect your performance. There's a lot of information about food. However, missing largely from the public conversation is food and mood. Clearly, how we choose to fuel our bodies directly impacts how we feel and how we show up in all areas of our life. Food is our body’s fuel and it’s vital to make choices that allow you to perform better, boost energy, improve focus, and reduce stress. To educate the public and practitioners about food and its impact on mood, Certified Nutritionist Amy Fox founded the Food and Mood Lab, including her Master Your Mood video series with food and wellness tips and information on how to boost energy, live healthy and...

The Re-Emergence of Belonging Transformational leadership & corporate consultant, Dr. Anita Sanchez, shares the wisdom of the Elders and their message of unbreakable connection in her bestselling book “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times” Look around you. Look at your community, your town, your city, state and country. Look at the world itself. Look at our media, our politics, our businesses, our culture. You will see people acting as if they are separate, alone. You will experience people thinking and behaving in ways that cause needless suffering, further division and reckless destruction. From the living room to the board room, Aztec and Mexican-American author and thought leader Dr. Anita Sanchez is calling on all of humanity to pause, take a breath and remember our unbreakable human bond. In her international bestselling...

How Resilient Are You? A consultant to top corporations, resilience expert Anne Grady shows how people and organizations can overcome adversity, obstacles, and setbacks and grow stronger as a result. We’ve all been there – knocked down by life, work, relationships, and everything in between. How do some people get back up more quickly than others? Why do some people conquer their fears while others are paralyzed by them? Author, speaker, entrepreneur, and resilience expert Anne Grady has overcome trouble, trauma, and adversity beyond what many of us will ever face. Through those experiences, and her work as a consultant to top corporations, she's forged a new blueprint to help others grow stronger through resilience. Anne is creator of Mind Over Moment, a science-based strategy to help people become aware of their thoughts, feelings,...

Arielle Ford, who launched many of the world’s top self-help and spiritual authors, will release her debut novel, ‘The Love Thief,’ this summer Readers who pre-order the book will get 10 exclusive heart-healing yoga videos as a bonus “The Love Thief,” the debut novel by famed book publicist and author Arielle Ford, is transformational women’s fiction about a woman who survives having her heart broken and dreams crushed — until karma intervenes! It’s a story of love, betrayal, and unexpected mystical experiences with a juicy revenge sub-plot and a surprise ending — and it’s inspired by actual events. Coming June 27, 2023, from Hasmark Publishing, “The Love Thief” is a roller-coaster ride of love lost and found that will surprise and delight any romantic. When creative, food-loving Chef Holly gets swept off her feet...

The Emotion Code: Future Medicine for Self-Healing Now Ashira Young, MSW, LSW, Unlocks Emotional Causes of Illness Everyone struggles at some point with health issues, whether it's physical pain, excessive weight, depression, anxiety or the stress that so often leads to other problems including chronic disease. As a certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, Ashira Young shares groundbreaking methods to spark physical, mental and emotional self-healing. A master social worker, health consultant and spiritual counselor certified by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Ashira has been exploring natural healing methods for 30 years. Today she is a certified practitioner of The Emotion Code and The Body Code, healing systems developed by veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson now being practiced around the globe. Dr. Brad created The Emotion Code to help people...

Creativity: Resilience in Chaos In “The Book of Doing and Being,” acclaimed filmmaker, broadcaster and creativity expert Barnet Bain teaches “the skill set that is the antidote to the exponential disruption of life as we know it” The future rushes toward us, change happening at an ever-increasing rate. Many people have no sense of what security looks like, for their jobs, future and children. Education, from cradle to college, struggles to catch up with a new reality: success now hinges on our ability to dream, to innovate, to create. To survive and thrive in these challenging times requires resilience in chaos. Creativity is the one skill set that can give people the resilience they need, says Barnet Bain, acclaimed filmmaker, broadcaster, educator and author of “The Book of Doing and Being: Rediscovering Creativity in...

Claim Your Crown, Live Your Best Life “Queen Maker” Beth Tiger teaches women how to stop being princesses and start being queens Author, speaker, educator, and empowerment coach Beth Tiger invites women to think about the queen archetype as the epitome of empowered femininity. No matter what trials and hardships you’ve endured in life so far, she explains, you can step out of the role of princess and start a new reign over the life you’ve always dreamed of living. Princess vs. Queen Who is the princess? She is the daughter of the king. She relies on others to provide the life she wants. She often feels powerless to change her life. Who is the queen? The queen is a powerful role model. She takes accountability for her own reality, and she works to create...

Born Perfect: Leading the Fight to End Conversion Therapy This survivor-led movement is passing legislation across the US to protect LGBTQ youth, working to reconcile families, and upholding the human right to be who we were born to be When Mathew Shurka was 16, his father took him to a licensed therapist who claimed he could make gay people straight. It was the start of years of cruel and damaging “therapy” that left Mathew estranged from his family and his own identity. Then he decided to take action. Mathew posted his personal story on YouTube, where it went viral. It was the start of his journey to forgive his father and therapist, reconcile with his family, and lead a nationwide battle to end conversion therapy. “Conversion therapy is based on a flawed, unfounded,...

One Mission: End Chronic Pain The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association advances the awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic pain and illness. Most people assume that pain and illness are the straightforward result of injury and disease. However, one in six adults suffers from chronic pain or illness that is either “medically unexplained” or unresponsive to virtually any treatment. These patients often live with a psychophysiologic disorder (PPD), the increasingly common clinical term for very real stress-related and brain-generated medical conditions. Such chronic symptoms manifest themselves as everything from fibromyalgia to irritable bowel syndrome, and their incompatibility with conventional diagnosis leaves most PPD patients feeling neglected by the medical profession and hopeless about their future. The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (PPDA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to ending the chronic pain epidemic by promoting awareness of PPD...

Expert with Communication Tools for Home and Work Communication can be challenging at home and work. How can families put their old stories aside about who people are and what they are like? How can families truly relate with one another? At work, how do views get in the way of productivity? Are co-workers speaking straight to each other? David Cunningham, M. Ed., is a communication expert who has led thousands of people in seminars and courses with Landmark, where more than 2.4 million people have learned to create a future with their families, friends and co-workers that makes a difference in their lives and communities. David is well versed in communication issues and can speak on a number of topics, including: * Relating well with family and co-workers * Beating burnout * How to...

Tap Into Your Inner Knowing, Transform Your Life Spirit translator and well-being expert Diana Cole teaches people how to listen to their own inner guidance and live with joy and meaning Diana Cole grew up in California learning about energy healing and spirituality from a very early age thanks to her father, who was a prominent figure in San Francisco’s New Age movement. Her path to helping others heal began in adulthood after she suffered a back injury and was inspired to create a specialized healing exercise for strengthening the spine. She healed herself, and then she began teaching the method to others, even opening a barre studio. Little did she know at that time that her own series of spiritual trials were just beginning. Once Diana started a thriving brick-and-mortar business teaching...

Accelerating Nonprofit GrowthVisionary Leader in Social Impact Writes Book,Nonprofit Toolkit on Scaling An accomplished social impact advisor, Donald Summers, recently released his book, "Scaling Altruism: A Proven Pathway for Accelerating Nonprofit Growth and Impact," which became the #1 New Nonprofit Release on Amazon. His research and essays have been featured in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Summers has a Master’s Degree in Leadership & Policy from Harvard. Leadership in Nonprofits: Managing Disruption and Driving Change "Scaling Altruism: A Proven Pathway for Accelerating Nonprofit Growth and Impact" is a groundbreaking new book by Harvard graduate and entrepreneur Donald Summers. This essential toolkit is designed specifically for ambitious nonprofit leaders who are determined to enhance their organization's impact and drive significant social change. In "Scaling...

Maternal Health Expert Offers Guidance, Answers Women’s Questions “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D., supports women in taking charge of their health and their pregnancies Too often, women find that the healthcare they receive comes with a lack of clear communication, too little information about their bodies or conditions, and a lack of a personal relationship with their caregivers. Women’s health, bodies, and pregnancies are more likely to suffer without these and other crucial pieces of information in play…yet most women don’t know what questions to ask, or which requests to make of their doctors that will bring about a positive and meaningful impact on their care and their outcomes. Now, there’s a doctor women everywhere can rely on to support them in creating the healthy lives and pregnancies they desire: “Rural Doc” Alan...

Illuminating the Promise of Neuroplasticity Cutting-edge research into neuroplasticity, the brains ability to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust to deal with these changes, holds hope for treating blindness, brain injury and many diseases. As one of the world’s leading researchers on neuroplasticity, Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone illuminates new discoveries on the frontier of medical research into the mind. Pascual-Leone, M.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Neurology and an Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research at Harvard Medical School. He serves as the Director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and is a practicing behavioral neurologist. A world leader in research and development, clinical application, and teaching of noninvasive brain stimulation, Dr. Pascual-Leone ranks number 1 among authors worldwide in "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" and "Noninvasive...

The Emotion Code, the Body Code and the Belief Code: Future Medicine Now Veteran Holistic Physician and Bestselling Author Dr. Bradley Nelson shares how to identify and release emotional baggage, underlying imbalances and limiting beliefs that can harm our health, relationships and ability to flourish. Modern science increasingly verifies a truth that runs through ancient healing systems: The mind and body are inextricably connected, with our thoughts and emotions exerting a powerful influence on our health. Probing the frontiers of our ability to resolve emotional wounds from the past, Dr. Bradley Nelson is one of the world's foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness. Over decades of work as a holistic chiropractic physician, Dr. Brad discerned that most of the physical discomfort and emotional distress his patients suffered was rooted in trapped emotions—the...

The Ellen Cutler Method (ECM) Dr. Ellen Cutler’s revolutionary healing method combines detoxification, enzymes, nutrition, and energetic desensitization to help people seeking to improve their health and well-being. Your gut is a big deal to your body. Did you know that if it were laid out, it would cover an entire tennis court? Your immune system depends on this system, which is made up of your esophagus, stomach, your small intestine, colon (aka large intestine), the pancreas, the liver, and your gallbladder. Additionally, a little-known fact is that your gut produces more neurotransmitters than your brain, and this will naturally affect your mood and behavior. So, how do you keep your gut healthy? Meet Dr. Ellen Cutler, creator of the Ellen Cutler Method (ECM), which uses organ-specific detoxification, enzymes, nutrition, and energetic desensitization to...

Adult ADHD, America and Trump In his new book, John Kruse, M.D., Ph.D., sheds light on how Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects millions of Americans, our society – and our president. Americans facing the myriad distractions of modern life might be tempted to make light of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as an explanation for our frantic, fragmented focus – as a nation and as individuals. But adult ADHD is a serious condition that, left untreated, can derail careers, destroy relationships, damage self-esteem, and even kill people. Too often, we don’t recognize it and thus can’t treat it effectively. Dr. John Kruse has set out to change that with his provocative new book, “Recognizing Adult ADHD: What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” “Donald Trump exemplifies this issue – he walks...

Resolve the Past, Free Your Future Dr. Michiyo Ambrosius’ groundbreaking Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP) integrates the left and right sides of the brain to allow people to heal from long-term effects of trauma Millions of people suffer from anxiety, depression, panic attacks and sleep disorders as a result of traumatic experiences they have suffered. To help them, clinical psychologist Dr. Michiyo Ambrosius developed Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP), a new treatment technique designed to integrate healing across the left and right sides of the brain. “Normally, our memories are resolved by the involvement of both the right and left sides of our brain,” says the Bay Area clinical psychologist, who goes by Dr. Michiyo (pronounced Mee-chee-yo). “However, the memories of highly emotional situations (trauma) get ‘stuck’ in the right side (which controls emotions and survival...

Leading Leaders Dr. Sam Adeyemi reaches3 million+ upwardly mobile professionals & CEOs "The measure of a leader's success is in contribution, not acquisition." — Dr. Sam Adeyemi Sam Adeyemi (say: Ah Day yeh me), Ph.D., is a global speaker, strategic leadership expert, minister, and author who has influenced millions of people on success and leadership through radio, television, conferences, and information products for more than 25 years. He shifts mindsets to help leaders see possibilities and become those possibilities. More than 45,000 alumni have graduated from Dr. Sam's leadership school. His latest book is "Dear Leader: Your Flagship Guide to Successful Leadership." As a global conference speaker, Sam has addressed audiences in the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, South Africa, Nigeria, India, and several other countries. In 2015 and 2017, he spoke at the Global Leadership...

Drew Gerber, Nomad CEO Changing Global Conversations and Challenging Industry Conventions Businesses, entrepreneurs and organizations today face a bewildering array of choices when it comes to spreading their messages. Should they go with paid advertising or email marketing? Hire a public relations firm or invest in someone to manage their social media and online reputation? With the media landscape shifting rapidly, the key to successfully navigating change lies in building businesses and messages that connect with people based on authenticity and integrity, says Drew Gerber, CEO of Wasabi Publicity. The old model of “put your best foot forward” no longer cuts it. Members of the millennial generation have grown up with thousands of choices at their fingertips and are sophisticated consumers of information. They seek leaders who share their values and aspirations. “People are hungry for...

Redefining the Science of Homes Traditional home-building methods release millions of tons of carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals in the atmosphere. It’s estimated that 42% of U.S. energy-related emissions come from our homes and the machines we use every day. Dvele evolves home production. Dvele is a groundbreaking company that is revolutionizing sustainable housing. By combining cutting-edge technology, innovative design, and a commitment to environmental stewardship, Dvele provides sustainable and high-performance homes for the future. Dvele’s Self-Powered™ homes are among the most advanced products available on the market today. All Dvele homes are completely self-powered by solar energy, eliminating dependency on fossil fuels and the power grid. They produce clean energy that occupants can immediately use, store in the home’s batteries, or sell back to the electric company’s grid, making each home net-positive....

Elify: Achieve More New digital personal assistant helps entrepreneurs and home-based business owners organize themselves to optimize success More than half a million Americans launch their own businesses every month, yet failure rates for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses are daunting, ranging from 50 to 90 percent depending on the business. People seeking to build their own businesses and to reach and sustain profitability need a way to organize their daily tasks for maximum efficiency. Now there’s a new service helping entrepreneurs to elevate their businesses. Elify is a cloud-based mobile application that helps users connect, communicate and interact through any internet enabled device. The software solution is designed to simplify success and give people all the tools they need to grow their businesses in one place. “We provide an online workplace for solo entrepreneurs...

Doctors and Elders Create a Wisdom Teaching Movement to Upend Stress Learn Practical Wisdom Skills From Time Immemorial Dr. Elvir Causevic, Esq., runs a Silicon Valley tech investment bank by day, and a wisdom school by night. Known for his successes pioneering brain-scan devices at Yale and his dealmaking on Wall Street, he is now focused on helping bring living wisdom back into our daily lives. He decided to put his money where his mouth is, walk his talk, and bring together trusted thought leaders on wisdom and life success. Now, he and other doctors and Elders are out to “upend stress” by teaching others practical wisdom skills. Earlier this year, after several years of design and testing, Causevic was preparing press materials for the launch of UpEnd, a new social enterprise behind...

Unleashing Humanity's Potential After helping to end Nepal's civil war, Potentialism is poised to empower people, nations and organizations worldwide In 2009, an economic development professor in Nepal contacted Ross Gray and Theresa Ruby, founders of GlobalHouse, for permission to found a chapter of their organization in Nepal and help introduce a new socioeconomic model, called Potentialism. The goal: to lay the groundwork for peace after a civil war that killed more than 15,000 people over a decade. Despite a five-year ceasefire, Maoist rebels maintained approximately 19,000 heavily armed soldiers in 27 camps around the mountainous nation. Diplomats from the US, Europe, China, India and the United Nations had tried but failed to end the dispute. So some of the Nepalese leaders invited Gray and Ruby, American authors, consultants and philanthropists, to try to...

Humane Society Silicon Valley: A Leader in Animal Welfare HSSV’s mission is to save lives, keep families together, and create a better future for pets and their people. Humane Society Silicon Valley (HSSV) is leading the charge to save lives, keep families together and create a better future for pets and their people in the Bay Area and nationwide. HSSV has placed more than a half million animals into permanent, loving homes since it was established in 1929. In 2009 they opened the country’s first Animal Community Center — a place where people can come together to learn about, engage with, and celebrate animals. In 2017, they became the first organization ever to meet the model shelter standard-of-care guidelines put forth by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. A champion of animal welfare through effective community-oriented strategies to...

Passion, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit to Fight Disease The Ebola epidemic has laid bare humanity’s vulnerability to infectious diseases. The search for an effective vaccine and treatments is but one of the challenges facing medical science, the biotech and pharmaceutical industries and governments worldwide. From the search for new cures and treatments to research needs and investment opportunities, Dr. Daniel Teper and Dr. Karin Hehenberger share expertise as leaders in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Veterans in the fights against cancer, inflammatory diseases and diabetes, they shed light into research and news from their years of leadership and work developing new monoclonal antibody-based drugs. Dr. Teper is the founder, CEO and Chairman of IMMUNE Pharmaceuticals. A passionate and innovative leader, he grew IMMUNE into a NASDAQ listed company in three years shuttling between...

The Internet is a phenomenon like no other. It has become an active part of our lives and will continue to remain that way for generations to come. Among the most significant changes brought about by the Internet includes the way we view traditional marketing. One (new) way of marketing is Online Marketing. This is the most accepted and best form of marketing which has targetted the relevant audience.Internet marketing is very benefitial as it covers the audience world wide. Ivijan Stefan Stipić is a web development veteran with over 20 years of experience, dedicating the last 12 years to specializing in the WordPress platform. Throughout these years, Ivijan has crafted over 200 plugins and around 50 themes for WordPress, primarily for clients on the Envato marketplace. Additionally, some of his original plugins...

Parenting Our Parents Family Love Expert Jane Wolf Frances coaches people to find joy and fulfillment in helping seniors age with grace Family love expert, coach, advocate and author, Jane Wolf Frances, M.S.W., J.D., is a licensed psychotherapist, attorney and the founder of ParentingOurParents™ (POP) and its unique POP Family Coaching Program that helps families with aging seniors successfully navigate the many confusing and complex practical, emotional, financial, legal and other challenges. Jane offers qualified professionals the opportunity to become Certified as POP Family Coaches as well as offering POP Family Coaching to families. She has spent five decades honing her skills as a problem-solver, applying her special brand of “listening” to the concerns presented by her clients. Background: Graduating with honors from Wellesley College, Jane received her Juris Doctor law degree...

No Liberal Arts, No Democracy, or Know Liberal Arts, Know Democracy What does it mean to be an educated citizen? A critical thinker? In his new book, ‘Inside the Liberal Arts: Critical Thinking and Citizenship,’ Jeffrey Scheuer explores the crucial link between higher education and democracy. The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think. — Albert Einstein Critical Thinking and Citizenship Liberal arts education is in crisis, leaving many people without the critical thinking skills necessary to maintain a functioning democracy. This is one premise of “Inside the Liberal Arts: Critical Thinking and Citizenship," the new book from Jeffrey Scheuer. At a time when liberal education is on the defensive vis-à-vis the STEM disciplines and other types of learning, the terms “liberal arts” and...

Become Your Own Biggest Influencer International corporate and personal mastery expert and author Joey Klein helps leaders transform limiting patterns and maximize hidden potentials using neuroscience, ancient wisdom practices and psychology - within his Inner Matrix Systems™ methodology. While social, economic, social and business uncertainty remains, leaders and individuals are hungry for tools to help them manage the unknowns experienced during times of crisis and change. We can’t control what’s going on around us. Within each of us is untapped potential, as well as limiting patterns that can be detrimental to our potential and best selves. Unveiling these core areas and learning to shift their established paradigm within will lead to a far happier, more productive and fulfilling life. That’s the message of international corporate and personal mastery expert and author Joey Klein, founder...

Communication Expert on How to Live Fight Free Life does not have to be torn by conflict. Instead we can learn to work through disagreements with our loved ones, friends, colleagues and everyone in our lives by practicing new ways of communicating, says communication expert Josselyne Herman-Saccio For 20 years Josselyne has led programs for Landmark, an international training and development company. These programs are designed to inspire effectiveness and creativity in others, enabling them to make their own dreams come true and to make the world a better place. A native of New York City and married mother of three children, Josselyne works as a personal manager in the entertainment industry and serves as a volunteer leader in her community and in her children's school. She can discuss many issues related...

Making Personal Finances ... Personal. Visionary Financial Leader Julia M. Carlson’s New Book, 'Money Loves You,' Reveals How to Transform Your Relationship with Money to Grow Wealth. Julia M Carlson, esteemed financial advisor and author, has recently unveiled her latest literary offering, "Money Loves You." This book promises to be a beacon of guidance for individuals seeking to transform their financial relationships and outlooks. Carlson stands at the forefront of the financial industry, recognized for her unwavering commitment to empowering individuals and businesses on their journey to financial freedom. As the visionary founder of Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group, Julia has carved a distinguished path, blending extensive experience with a passion for holistic wealth management. With decades of experience in the financial industry, she has become a trusted advisor to numerous individuals seeking to navigate the...

SNAP! From Chaos to Calm In her new book, mindfulness expert Julie Potiker shares simple, powerful methods to snap out of stress and into calm Life is full of potential stressors, from those at home like strained communication with family members to those that can catch us off guard out in the world – everything from a traffic jam to big things like actual disasters. We can’t control what other people bring to the table or what the world will throw at us, but we can learn to stay calm and practice equanimity through the tools of mindfulness, says Julie Potiker, author of the new book “SNAP! From Chaos to Calm.” A former attorney, Julie is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and founder of the Balanced Mind Meditation Center in La Jolla, California....

It’s Time to Build Your Love House (So Real Love Can Move In) My Love Design® 11 Steps to Real Love Celebrity Love Architect Kailen Rosenberg is revolutionizing the world of love with her groundbreaking approach to building lasting and meaningful relationships. Introducing "My Love Design," a first-of-its-kind, online luxury, dating, lifestyle, and wellness platform based on a trademarked and proven 11-step program designed to help singles discover true love and create a better world, starting with themselves, one love story at a time. From hometowns to Hollywood, Kailen Rosenberg is known across the globe for her work with OprahTM on the award-winning show "Lovetown, USA." With her book, "Real Love, Right Now: A Thirty-Day Blueprint for Finding Your Soul Mate and So Much More,” Kailen emphasizes that finding the right partner goes beyond mere...

Zen Millionaire In his international bestseller, “Happy Money,” Ken Honda showed how we can create a life of abundance by changing our relationship with money. His new novel is “True Wealth — 9 Lessons From a Grandfather on Happiness and Abundance.” Ken Honda is a Japanese bestselling author whose books have sold over eight million copies internationally since 2001. His first English language book “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money” (June 2019, Simon & Schuster) is an international bestseller. His new novel is “True Wealth – 9 Lessons From a Grandfather on Happiness and Abundance” (​​May 14, 2024, Hay House). Ken asserts that it is possible for anyone, no matter their current financial status, to live with more ease in their relationship to money. “It is not necessary...

Find Your Courage, Change Your Life Ken D Foster empowers audiences to tap into their courage and become more powerful, effective and productive Ken D Foster is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, business strategist, and news personality, who owns a broadcast & media production company. He is the executive producer and host of the Voices of Courage Show syndicated on TV, Podcast, plus Radio and broadcast in 185 Countries He specializes in working with people who are committed to leveling up their lives, maximizing their highest potential, and contributing to making the world a better place. Ken is a changemaker who pushes the envelope and challenges audiences to think differently: to see the unseeable, know the unknowable, and do the impossible. Learn more at, and Ken has...

Helping Leaders Tap Into Their Hidden Power Kim Faith Inspires People and Companies to ‘See’ the World Differently Systems thinking expert, futurist, and thought leader Kimberly Faith is on a mission to help companies and individuals deal with complexity, transformation, and change. Translating big-picture connections to tangible awareness and action steps, she gives people the confidence to shift the direction of old, entrenched ways of doing and thinking to create the new reality they want. “Think of me as a ‘systems renegade,’” says Kim. “What’s happening in humanity — both at the personal and professional level — is we’re heading towards a train wreck and we’re missing the warning signs. We have abdicated our personal responsibility for a number of things in our life, and we’re trusting larger systems, like technology for example, to...

Unlock the Secrets to a Vibrant, Healthy, and Blissful Life In a world of overspecialized, compartmentalized medicine, integrative health expert Kristin Grayce McGary brings a complete system — blood chemistry analysis, gut health tools, and a wealth of other modalities — to help patients experience full-spectrum wellness. An accomplished integrative health practitioner with numerous licenses and certifications (LAc., MAc., CFMP®, CST-T, CLP), Kristin Grayce McGary knew from the age of two that she wanted to grow up and help people. Now, she draws upon more than two decades of education and wisdom, creating a uniquely individualized approach, while implementing practical tools to empower people in every aspect of their lives, often beginning with their physical health. “I bridge the gap between Western medicine, functional medicine, Asian medicine, and your soul,” says Kristin Grayce. “I...

Communication Tools for Home and Work Maximize Performance, Optimize Communication in Life, Love, and Work Communication can be challenging at home and work, but our lives don’t need to be torn by conflict. Instead, we can learn to work through disagreements with loved ones, friends, colleagues, and everyone in our lives by practicing new ways of communicating. That’s where Landmark comes in. Landmark is a personal and professional growth, training, and development company that's had more than 3.5 million people all over the world use its programs to cause breakthroughs in their personal lives and their communities. In The Landmark Forum (Landmark's flagship program), people cause breakthroughs in their performance, communication, relationships, and overall satisfaction in life. Participants in the Landmark Forum "begin to discover the nature and the source” of why they are the...

The Woman Behind the Sports Bra Lisa Z. Lindahl invented the sports bra out of personal necessity. She had no idea it would become an iconic symbol of gender equality. In 1972, the United States passed Title IX – a new law prohibiting discrimination in any federally funded education program on the basis of sex. By 1975, what was known as the “women’s liberation movement” had swept the country. Women were coming into their own, working hard to carve out new roles for themselves at home and in sports, culture, politics, and business. The door opening for women to enjoy the same “playing fields” in life as men was one thing, but the physical reality of being on literal playing fields was still a challenge for many women – including Lisa Lindahl. Lisa was...

Marie Diamond: Transforming Lives Through Feng Shui and theLaw of Attraction Unveil the Manifesting Power of Your Home Marie Diamond, globally renowned Feng Shui Master and industry expert on personal and professional transformation, has unveiled her latest offering to the world, "Your Home Is a Vision Board: Harness the Secret Manifesting Power of Your Home" (Hay House, Oct. 15, 2024). This transformative book invites readers to unlock the hidden power within their living spaces to create intentional environments that align with their deepest desires and goals, utilizing Marie’s signature blend of Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction. Marie is a beloved star of the reality show "Feng Shui Your Life," where she empowers individuals to redesign their homes for success, love, and health. An award-winning speaker, she has gained international recognition as a...

Meg Appelgate, Troubled Teen Industry Expert and Author Welcome to the official press kit for Meg Appelgate, a leading voice in advocacy against institutional child abuse within the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI). Meg brings a wealth of expertise as both a survivor of TTI programs and the co-founder and CEO of Unsilenced, a nonprofit dedicated to reforming these facilities and supporting survivors. Meg’s Journey: From Survivor to Advocate Meg’s story is one of incredible resilience and transformation. At the age of 15, she was struggling with severe bullying, ADHD, adoption trauma, and undiagnosed autism. Her parents, desperate for help, turned to the Troubled Teen Industry. Meg became one of the 120,000-200,000 youths funneled into this multi-billion dollar industry every year. Over the next three and a half years, she was subjected to severe brainwashing...

Thought Leadership for Entrepreneurs As president and CEO of WFN1 and host of CEO Money, Michael Yorba explores how business leaders are changing the world To compete and succeed, business leaders need to be and do more than ever before. They must drive innovation within their companies, master disruption in their markets, and broadcast their messages to target audiences through media saturated by information overload and buffeted by dizzying change. Failure to execute with agility is a death sentence for any business, says Michael Yorba, an expert in thought leadership for entrepreneurs. Founders and CEOs need smart systems to reach their audiences and achieve results. “You’ve got to have the right message going to the right audience in the right delivery process in order to be heard these days,” Michael says. “If you miss any...

Seeding the Conversations That Change Everything International Publicist Michelle Tennant Nicholson Is a “Storyteller to the Media” Michelle Tennant Nicholson has been called a “five-star publicist” by Good Morning America producer Mable Chan. As co-owner and Chief Creative Officer of Wasabi Publicity Inc., she represents global nonprofits, causes, and people who make a difference. “We believe conversations change everything,” says Michelle. “The stories we consume consume us. Right now, our entire marketing industry is based on fear and stimulating the need to fix ourselves. It fuels our consumerism. We believe we can elevate this conversation and tell stories for the good of humankind. Imagine a world where people share positive stories they’ve heard on the news cycle this morning. What if our stories stimulated our sense of security and safety? According to the latest...

Mile: Transforming Global Finance for Good Fostering equal access to fast, free, and fair financial tools, Mile Unity Foundation aims to reshape the global financial paradigm Cryptocurrencies promise to disrupt the global economy and finance in ways we are just beginning to imagine, potentially one day replacing fiat currencies in the march toward a cashless society. But extreme volatility has hindered widespread adoption of digital currencies for day-to-day transactions. Now Mile Unity Foundation has stepped forward to evangelize stable digital currencies as a solution to volatility, and to the inequalities inherent in conventional monetary trade. With a rapidly growing number of embassies and ambassadors worldwide, the foundation works to educate people about new financial technologies and how to apply them in real economies around the globe. MUF’s mission is educate governments and companies and spread...

Minnieland Academy: Early Childhood Experts Building happy lives through quality early childhood education Early childhood education strengthens children academically so they can start school ready to learn, and develop social skills and curiosity they’ll need to succeed in an ever-changing world. “More and more evidence tells us that investing in the education of America’s young people needs to begin earlier in their lives – stimulating socialization and a desire to learn, and dramatically improving their long-term life prospects,” writes John Lechleiter, CEO of Eli Lilly and Company, recently in Forbes. Thousands of families in Northern Virginia trust their children’s early education to the 60 schools owned and operated by Minnieland Academy. Minnieland’s schools provide quality early childhood education and care for working families with children from infants to age 6, plus The Youth Zone...

Giving Working Dogs the Peaceful Retirement They Deserve Mission K9 Rescue creates happy endings for retired military working dogs, contract working dogs, and police K9s who have served humankind. Working dogs are an integral part of the efforts American law enforcement, military, and supporting contractors undertake at home and abroad. Sadly, however, many of these dogs end up left at kennels to suffer alone after their usefulness as high-performing working dogs has run its course. Mission K9 Rescue is a dedicated animal welfare organization that is saving as many working dogs as possible in hopes of offering them comfortable, peaceful, and loving homes in which to spend the remainder of their lives. “There’s an assumption that these working dogs are automatically being taken care of after they leave service,” says Mission K9 president Kristen Maurer,...

  A Visionary Entrepreneur Tackling Today’s Most Pressing Issues   Mitch Francis, a seasoned entrepreneur and innovative thinker, is making waves with his new book, "Bad-Ass Solutions for Today’s Big-Ass Problems." This refreshingly non-partisan work offers bold, practical solutions to some of the most urgent challenges facing our world, including global warming, homelessness, and mass shootings. Drawing on his extensive experience leading successful companies across various industries, Mitch brings a real-world perspective to solving problems that matter. Surprisingly, he was also able to craft these very serious topics into an educational, interesting and even fun read. In "Bad-Ass Solutions for Today’s Big-Ass Problems," Mitch Francis tackles the “big-ass” problems that threaten our future, offering “bad-ass” solutions designed to spark real change. His proposals range from eliminating the U.S. national debt and reforming public education to...

Inspire Nationally, Rescue Locally Mutual Rescue™ celebrates how people and pets save each other, telling powerful stories and inspiring people to support and engage with local shelters. Although great strides have been made in saving homeless animals’ lives, more than 6.5 million cats and dogs still enter animal shelters each year — and almost 700,000 are euthanized. Of the roughly $500 billion Americans gave to charities in 2022, only 3.2 percent went to animal-related and environmental causes combined. Mutual Rescue™ is a national initiative of Humane Society Silicon Valley dedicated to expanding the conversation around animal welfare from “people or animals” to “people and animals.” The group has created a series of films, bringing to life what it means to rescue an animal and be rescued right back. The films have been viewed over...

NovaVision: Restoring Vision for Life Company provides clinically supported therapies for the rehabilitation of visual impairments caused by stroke or other brain injury There are approximately 8 million stroke survivors in the U.S., with 795,000 strokes a year, and approximately 1.5 million suffering some sort of traumatic brain injury (TBI) annually. Staggeringly, up to approximately 30% of these suffer a resultant visual impairment, up to 20% permanently. Substantial numbers of Americans therefore suffer from a visual disability resulting from neurological brain damage. This disability has a dramatic effect on their daily lives, and can prevent them from working, driving, reading, shopping, crossing a road or staying home alone without help. NovaVision's portfolio of therapies is specifically targeted to help these people, to both restore and compensate for this type of vision disability, which in the...

Cultivating Crops & Community Connecting people through food, nature, and community, Olivette Riverside Community and Farm showcases new ideas for healthy living, food security, and sustainability In the post-pandemic world, people seek new ways to connect — with each other, with the outdoors, and with opportunities to live more healthy and happy lives. Amid growing concerns about safety, food security, and climate change, Olivette Riverside Community and Farm is feeding people’s need for nature, locally grown organic produce, and community. The 411-acre community along the French Broad River near Asheville, N.C., is the first and only “agrihood” in Western North Carolina. With a fully operational organic farm, it’s designed and built to foster connections among residents and with the land. When public parks and forests closed due to the pandemic, Olivette residents kept...

Discover RobobAI: Transforming Supply Chain Visibility, B2B Payment Optimization, and Supplier Risk Management RobobAI, a trailblazer in helping businesses manage their spend visibility, optimize B2B payments, and reduce supplier risks, is pleased to share detailed information about their innovative AI-driven solutions. This overview provides a clear understanding of who RobobAI is, what they offer, and why they are a valuable partner for companies around the world. What RobobAI Does Best RobobAI (pronounced “robo buy”) revolutionizes how businesses gain a 360º view of their spend so they can streamline payment processes and tackle supplier risks. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technology and strong partnerships with global banks and technology leaders, they create effective, budget-friendly solutions tailored to the needs of multinational corporations and other enterprises. "Implementing RobobAI's supplier management software has revolutionized our operations. With this powerful tool, we've...

One Woman Out to Save the Stage With the Small Screen JR Orlando produces new plays for the stage and screen, profit shares with the artists and supporting staff After experiencing profound loss from the death of her husband, JR Orlando founded RTO Productions in honor of the love the two shared for the theatre. “I sold my house, bought an RV, and started a theatre company,” she says. Then when the coronavirus pandemic hit in spring of 2020, JR knew it was time to go above and beyond for the art community she and her husband were so committed to. That’s how the “Stage to Screen” project was born. “I developed a new theatre model that has the potential to support all people involved in the work — playwrights, actors, directors, backstage...

Subscription Box Queen Sarah Williams Unveils Strategies to Build Businesses Sarah Williams overcame her own doubts as a businesswoman and is now inspiring others to do the same. Based in Wichita Falls, Texas, Williams (aka The Subscription Box Queen) empowers entrepreneurs and product-based business owners to venture into the world of subscription boxes. With a wealth of experience in starting, launching, and growing subscription box businesses, Williams caters to a diverse audience, from established businesses seeking recurring revenue to new entrepreneurs embarking on their journey. "Sarah Williams is the definitive authority on subscription box businesses. With a track record of building a thriving seven-figure enterprise, Sarah’s expertise shines through on every page of 'One Box at a Time.' Her unwavering commitment to her craft is evident as she continues to actively engage in the...

We Get It Done So YOU Don't Have To Moving, organizing, and empyting homes is hard, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. Our aim is to support you during your downsizing journey, so you can focus on what truly matters. WHAT IS THE BETTY BRIGADE? We are a full service organizing, relocation, and handyman company that can handle your project from A to Z. One Call Does It All! We provide support to people who are going through the moving or clear out process, or who are overseeing the process for loved ones. We also help busy professionals who are caught up in the chaos of relocation, helping make the process smoother. The Betty Brigade is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan and provides moving coordination, clear outs, handyman, and organizing nationwide. We manage...

Empowering Success-Oriented Growth in Neurodiverse Communities SOAR provides experiential education, life skills development, and adventure programs to youth with ADHD and other learning challenges SOAR focuses on turning learning disabilities into learning challenges through opportunities for success. SOAR stands for “Success Oriented, Achievements Realized,” a philosophy that is the organization's key tenet in its dedication to fostering growth within neurodiverse communities. This is a press briefing on the specialized program SOAR offers through their camps, GAP (Gateway Adventure Program), and The Academy at SOAR initiatives. SOAR's mission focuses on empowering individuals, nurturing resilience, and fostering social connections among those with unique abilities. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, SOAR was founded in 1977 by an adult with learning disabilities who believed that focusing on an individual’s strengths, rather than deficits, was critical in ensuring success. Throughout...

The Art of Spiritual Evolution 50 Years of Clairvoyant Experience World-renowned metaphysical teachers and bestselling authors Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis co-founded the Spiritual Arts Institute (SAI) in 2005 with a mission to help people from all walks of life accelerate their spiritual understanding and development. Now, after Barbara’s passing in May 2024, Dimitri leads Spiritual Arts Institute as its Spiritual Director, teaching and preserving Barbara’s lifetime of work and metaphysical knowledge, as well as contributing new inspiration to the Institute’s spiritual wisdom in books, workshops, and course materials. Barbara Y. Martin (known affectionately as the "Mozart of metaphysics") worked with Dimitri Moraitis to form the Seven Spiritual Arts Program, their comprehensive metaphysical training program. Students learn effective meditation and seven mystical arts to accelerate their spiritual growth. Essential Divine Light...

Conscious Living and Leadership From the pinnacle of Silicon Valley success, Steve Farrell pivoted to lead Humanity’s Team, a global nonprofit helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness. He shares his five-decade journey from the American Dream to conscious leadership in his new book, ‘A New Universal Dream.’ Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell transforms the definition of success in his new book. He details his journey from the pinnacle of wealth creation in Silicon Valley to a life in service to humanity in "A New Universal Dream." Farrell is the co-founder (with Neale Donald Walsch) and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people worldwide awaken to their deeper selves through an awareness of the interconnectedness of everything. Today, Humanity’s Team has approximately 700,000...

Steve Zaffron is co-author of the Best Selling Book THE THREE LAWS OF PERFORMANCE, featured in the top three of the Best Selling Book lists of BUSINESS WEEK, WALL STREET JOURNAL, and USA TODAY. What does it take to go from success to greatness? Steve Zaffron, CEO of Vanto Group, has consulted with business leaders from around the world for more than 25 years, guiding them to the next level of performance – as businesses and as individuals. An internationally respected authority on leadership and organization, Steve Zaffron is also the co-author of the new book The Three Laws of Performance. Working with companies like Apple, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Heinz Northern Europe, Reebok, Northrop Grumman, BHP-Billiton, Petrobras, Telemar Brazil, and Polus Group Japan, Zaffron has helped bridge the transition to a new way...

Learn to Speak Up and Get What You Want - Using Verbal Self-Defense Susan Harrow, media trainer and martial artist, is a black belt in Aikido, a former tennis pro with a high school teaching credential and author of the best-selling book, Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul (HarperCollins). She is an expert in verbal self-defense for girls 12-24+ so that they can get what they want in any situation at school, home, work, and social situations. She’s also a contributor to Huffington Post and Psychology Today. For nearly 10 years Susan consulted for Pacific Bell Directory/SBC/AT&T and put 3,000 job candidates through role plays analyzing their verbal, facial and body language to determine if they had the chops for high-pressure sales or C-Suite positions. For the past 28 years she's run Harrow Communications,...

The Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Foundation Plans Virtual Program for 202 Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Day Is Thursday April 22, 2021 Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® Day (TODASTW) is an international event celebrated on the fourth Thursday in April, every year, by millions of students, parents, educators, and employers. It is a day when students dream big and learn how to make those dreams come true. The organization is now looking forward to the event’s 28th anniversary in 2021, and planning programming that will be accessible from anywhere. Registration is free at “We have created a program with content focused on children and their teachers to allow them to participate from school, home, or wherever they are,” says TODASTW Executive...

'Coaching by Drawing™' A New Personal and Professional Growth Toolkit We are thrilled to announce the release of "Coaching by Drawing™: How to Spark Change with a Drawing" the highly anticipated book from Tamás Járdán, MCC. In this groundbreaking work, Járdán presents a revolutionary approach to coaching that intertwines the power expression through drawing with insights from leadership and change, offering readers a transformative toolkit for personal and professional growth. A bestseller in Europe, "Coaching by Drawing™" debuted Spring 2024 at number 1 in new releases on Amazon in Teacher & Student Mentoring. Drawing upon his experience as a Master Certified Coach, his MBA and his extensive background in coaching and management, Járdán illuminates the profound connection between visualization and human behavior. Through engaging narratives, practical exercises, and compelling scientific evidence, he demonstrates how harnessing...

The Gorge: Steepness Redefined New Zip Line Drops Thrill-Seekers 1,100 Vertical Feet into Green River Gorge Zip lines are exploding in popularity across America, with the number of these high-flying thrill rides soaring from 10 in 2001 to more than 200 today. Unique among zip lines is a new 1¼-mile extreme course called The Gorge located on 125 wild acres just off Interstate 26 near Saluda, N.C. Billed as the steepest, fastest zip line canopy tour in the US, The Gorge launches visitors on a heart-racing descent into the gorge of the world famous Green River. The 11 sections culminate in a section co-owner Tim Bell calls "The Star Wars Zip," due to its similarity to the scene of racing through giant trees featured in The Return of the Jedi. "You're zooming through...

The Movement That’s Making Giving a Way of Life The Givefluencer Network is inspiring people from all walks of life to thrive through giving Founded by husband-and-wife power couple John David Snyder and Niki Shadrow Snyder, along with Emmy Award-winning producer Gary Reeves, The Givefluencer Network is a movement designed to transform lives — of givers and receivers — through giving. A play on the word “influencer,” the “givefluencer” founders want people to see others they admire and respect making a positive impact on the world through giving. “The world doesn’t need more influencers right now,” says Niki. “We need more givefluencers. This has the potential to be the greatest social revolution the world has ever known. There is no greater feeling than the joy and satisfaction you get from impacting someone’s life through...

Eddington Advisory: Transforming Corporate Ecosystems Through Conscious Leadership When illness struck Tom Eddington, this titan of global mergers transformed his life and work to become one of Silicon Valley’s most renowned business advisors At the top of his corporate career, Tom Eddington was working 70+ hours a week juggling multi-million dollar clients, managing global mergers including HP/Compaq and Chevron/Texaco, and consulting with leaders in 35 countries while pursuing a master’s degree. He was also averaging four hours of sleep a night and experiencing brain fog and periodic bouts of temporary blindness. “I would be driving to a meeting and I would just pull the car over because I couldn't see,” he recalls. “I would just wait for a half hour, 45 minutes, whatever it took for my eyes to restore, and then I would...

‘Confessions of a CEO’: Blowing the Whistle on Corporate America New Film Spotlights Reformed Toxic CEO’s Transformation “Confessions of a CEO: My Life in an Out-of-Balance World” is a bare-knuckled critique of Corporate America told through the story of a toxic Midwestern tire mogul named Tom Gegax who evolves from philandering, cancer, divorce, and near-bankruptcy to populist messenger and mentor to major American influencers like Deepak Chopra and Al Gore. "With great power comes great responsibility." - Voltaire “Confessions of a CEO” is a compelling blend of entertainment and education, featuring insightful interviews with global figures such as Deepak Chopra, Blue Zones founder Dan Buettner, and controversial presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. The film also includes perspectives from thought leaders in medicine, food, psychology, and the environment, among others. “Confessions of a CEO” explores the...

Connect, Express, Play, Spread Goodness = Shaboo Shaboo greeting cards and products use positive messaging and augmented reality to lift spirits, remind people of life’s joys, and inspire imagination and connection Veronica Vargas always felt a little different. She connected with trees from a young age, reflecting on the deep connections between the self, the world, and nature. She got violently ill after a family trip to Mexico, resulting in bouts of sickness and high fevers that lasted many months. Afterwards, her intuitive abilities magnified, but upon sharing this with peers, she was ridiculed. After many years of closing that part of herself off, going through the motions, and generally living life the way society expected her to, Veronica found herself working a marketing job in commercial aviation. Unfulfilled, she decided to create...

Celebrating 50 Years of Wild & Scenic Rivers The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act 2018 Anniversary (En Enpanol) In the days of fur trappers and pioneers, free-flowing rivers were the lifeblood of commerce, transportation and fisheries across America. Today, they are critical yet often-overlooked sources of clean water, critical habitat, and rejuvenating recreation for Americans seeking a break from the frenetic world of technology and reconnection with the deep flow of time and nature. In 2018, across the nation, river enthusiasts, communities and government agencies celebrated the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Congress passed this landmark legislation on Oct. 2, 1968, to preserve selected rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Of the approximately 3.6 million miles...